domenica 20 ottobre 2013

Ode to my own


             20 OCT poem              

I'm in every leaf of grass
and every fleck of dust

I'm each inch of this ground
worm or ant
calm or loud

I'm those million tears of sky
breaking down
a starry night

I'm the moth around each flame
and the outrageous of her blame

I'm the sister of Great Oak
filled with berries, roots and cold

Flume or river
  flash or thunder 
there's no force that brings me under

I'm in wind
that wilder blows
out of memories
and words   



domenica 6 ottobre 2013

October: be mine

The Autumn Skies are flush'd with Gold
And fair and bright the Rivers run;
These are but streams of Winter Cold,
And painted mists that quench the Sun.

In secret boughs no sweet birds sing,
In secret boughs no bird can shroud;
These are but Leaves that take to wing,
And Wintry Winds that pipe so loud.

'Tis not trees shade, but cloudy glooms
That on the Cheerless Vallies fall,
The Flowers are in their grassy tombs,
And Tears of Dew are on them all.

- Thomas Hood -